Waterpark RFC presents the Oval Ball on New Years Eve 2018.
A great social evening, of food, great company, champagne and music is in store for club members and friends.
Music by The Strobes, followed by a DJ and Bar Extension until late.
Put on your gladrags, best suit and dancing shoes and support this club social event.
This is a non for profit event and aimed at bringing all our club members and friends together for a night of good banter.
Tickets are €75 to cover costs.
Tickets must be booked well in advance and booking is open now. All tickets to be paid for in advance of the Christmas breakup. Deposits can be taken.
Tickets or tables can be booked from
Lauren Traynor, 086-1592188, laurentraynor3@gmail.com or
David Dawson, 087-2810444, daviddawson2804@gmail.com.
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